Does Article Marketing Still Work?


Jeff Schuman

I basically built my Internet business doing article marketing. I did this for my own business and for our customers my company wrote and promoted articles for.

It was easy then. Not as much now.

One common question I see in discussion forums a lot of times is does article marketing work? 9 Months ago this was not even anything people wondered about. What changed?

Google has done several updates in the last year and it really de-valued article marketing. Article directories such as Ezine Articles were hit extremely hard.

It used to be a you could write an article and count on that as a marketing tool. You can drive traffic from the article itself. You could also rank on the search engines with your articles. And you could develop valuable backlinks which helped bump your website on the search engines as well.


Google doesn\’t particularly like article marketing anymore. For that reason you have to be aware of what does and does not work if you still want to promote using articles.

The real value to article marketing today comes from the traffic that your article can receive when you submit it online in various places. It\’s still a good idea to submit it to the top article directories.

The reason for this is publishers who send out email newsletters, bloggers, and other people need content, and they still come to article directories to find it. This means that if your article is chosen it could end up in an email newsletter that\’s read by thousands of people.

It could end up on somebody\’s blog where it\’s read by hundreds or thousands of people as well. It could just be archived in the article directory and accessed down the road some time.

This is the real value of article marketing today. It\’s the potential for your articles to end up somewhere where it is read by somebody that could end up a potential customer of yours someday.

Here\’s another important part of article marketing. Take the articles that you write and add them to your own blog before you submit them to the article directories.

Be sure to bookmark your blog post so it\’s indexed by search engines and you get credit for writing that article before it\’s published online somewhere else.

When you do it this way article marketing becomes blog marketing. If you don\’t have a blog, and your doing article marketing, you should probably set one up for the niche that you\’re writing for.

One last thing you can do is take some of your best articles and create an autoresponder series out of them. Use this as content to build your list and you can even get one more benefit out of your articles.

When you view it from these three ways article marketing still does work!

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