Submitted by: Jayne Waldorf

Your wedding favors are an important part of your wedding day. It is your way of making a gesture of thanks to your guests for sharing the happiest day of your life. It will also provide our guests with a lasting souvenir of your day (provided your favors aren t the perishable kind) that will remind them of your wedding day every time they use it.(if the favour you choose is a useful one)

Prior to purchasing your favors you will need to decide if you are going to give a wedding favour to everyone or one per couple. This will depend on the size of your budget and what sort of favor you have in mind, also how many people are coming to the wedding will make a difference. If you are having a small intimate wedding then you may be able to splash out a bit, unlike if there are a lot of people attending it just may not be possible to be extravagant and you may have to settle for the less expensive favors.

Candles are amongst the less expensive favors, an added touch could be personalised ribbon tied around the candle in a pretty bow. The ribbon may include your wedding date and names.


An example of practical wedding favors is picture frames.The guests can use these to hold a photo of the Bride and Groom if they wish,or any other photo they like.Finding suitable frames should be fairly easy as they come in such a wide variety.If you purchase plain photo frames you can be sure that these will work with the d cor in any of the guests homes although you may prefer to give frames that match the theme of the wedding or ones that have hearts on to represent your love.

Candy is another inexpensive favor but if you are looking to give a keepsake then candy is really not suitable. If you want to make your own favors you could purchase some pretty ribbon and fabric. The fabric will need to be cut into small squares and a few small pieces of candy put into each one. Then you just need to pull the corners together and tie the ribbon around. A wedding I went to recently had the same idea but used sugared almonds instead of candy. An alternative to the fabric is to purchase small tins and put the candy in them. If you order your candy in bulk you should get it quite a bit cheaper. Candy bars with your name and date of wedding on and also perhaps a photo of the bride and groom can also be quite affordable if ordered in bulk and if you don t have more than one design for the wrapper.

Another great favour idea is packets of vegetable seeds or flower seeds .These are very affordable to buy but you may like to add the personal touch and make your own. Tie different packets of seeds up with personal ribbon or put them into little pots that you can decorate.

A nice inexpensive favour is a pen with the bride and groom s names on and the date of the wedding, not only are these useful but they make a great keepsake as well.

About the Author: Jayne Waldorf lives in England with her husband.If you would like to learn more about favors and other wedding goods please visit Jayne’s web site

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